STIRA (old name FRIEP) stands for Simple Toolkit for Image Restoration and Analysis. This toolkit aims to provide a clearly written, well-documented, independent C++ toolkit for image restoration and analysis. With "simple", "clear" and "well-written", we aim to make the threshold to use the code as low as possible by limiting number of lines per method, choosing well-readable names for variables, methods and classes and avoiding code duplication through inheritance and usage of templates. All functions are provided with doxygen documentation with some explanation of the method and all of its parameters. Independent refers to the fact that the toolkit is self-contained, so not depending on external libraries. The only exceptions are FFTW3 ( and OpenCV 2.0 ( code was written by myself unless stated otherwise. Some methods or algorithms were based on code or pseudocode published online. In that case, the references are mentioned in the doxygen comments for those methods.
This is a list of external source code integrated in STIRA:
common/common/Random.h -> Random number generation by Richard Saucier,
common/common/SVD -> code from Numerical Recipes, from
common/common/QuantileNormalDistribution -> checks if the quantiles of a histogram are following a normal distribution, from
fouriertools/fouriertools/KissFFT -> FFT by Mark Borgerding,
registration -> unimodal image registration by Philippe Thevenaz,
diffusion/bregman/FlashROF.h by Tom Goldstein,
image/tools/VoronoiDiagramGenerator -> by Steven Fortune,
imageanalysis/imageanalysis/DistanceTransform -> by P. Felzenszwalb,
imageanalysis/imageanalysis/SLIC -> by Radhakrishna Achanta,
filter/filter/anigauss -> by Jan-Mark Geusebroek,
- Author
- Filip Rooms ( (
Copyright (C) 2008-2016