This is the complete list of members for stira::imagetools::ImageIO, including all inherited members.
ABSOLUTE_NEG_OUT enum value | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | |
ABSOLUTE_NORM_OUT enum value | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | |
ABSOLUTE_POS_OUT enum value | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | |
ConvertArrayGridToOpenCv(ArrayGrid< double > *pGridIn, IplImage *pImgOut) (defined in stira::imagetools::ImageIO) | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | static |
ConvertImageToOpenCv(Image *pImage) | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | static |
ConvertOpenCvToBooleanArrayGrid(IplImage *pIplImage, double threshold=0) (defined in stira::imagetools::ImageIO) | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | static |
ConvertOpenCvToDoubleArrayGrid(IplImage *pIplImage) (defined in stira::imagetools::ImageIO) | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | static |
ConvertOpenCvToDoubleArrayGrid(IplImage *pIplImage, ArrayGrid< double > *pGrid) (defined in stira::imagetools::ImageIO) | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | static |
ConvertOpenCvToImage(IplImage *pIplImage) | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | static |
GetInputMinMax(ArrayGrid< double > *pGrid, double &mmin, double &mmax, outputType myType=NULL_OUT) | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | static |
GetOpenCvColorValue(IplImage *pIplImage, int x, int y, int bandNr) | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | static |
GetOpenCvGrayValue(IplImage *pIplImage, int x, int y) | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | static |
GRADIENT_OUT enum value | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | |
ImageIO() | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | |
LOG_OUT enum value | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | |
NORMAL_OUT enum value | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | |
NULL_OUT enum value | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | |
outputType enum name | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | |
Read(std::string fname) | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | static |
ReadArrayOpenCVAsDouble(std::string fname, ArrayGrid< double > *pGrid=0, bool useROI=false, common::RectangularROI< int > myImageROI=common::RectangularROI< int >(0, 0, 0, 0)) | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | static |
ReadArrayOpenCVAsInt(std::string fname, bool useROI=false, common::RectangularROI< int > myImageROI=common::RectangularROI< int >(0, 0, 0, 0)) | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | static |
ReadImageOpenCV(std::string fname, bool useROI=false, common::RectangularROI< int > myImageROI=common::RectangularROI< int >(0, 0, 0, 0)) | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | static |
ReadPGMasInt(std::string fname) | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | static |
RescaleGrid(ArrayGrid< double > *pGrid, outputType outtype=NULL_OUT) | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | static |
SetOpenCvColorValue(IplImage *pIplImage, int x, int y, int bandNr, double value) | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | static |
SetOpenCvGrayValue(IplImage *pIplImage, int x, int y, double value) | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | static |
Write(Image *pImage, std::string fname, outputType outtype=NULL_OUT) | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | static |
WriteOpenCV(Image *pImage, std::string fname, outputType outtype=NORMAL_OUT) | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | static |
WriteOpenCV(ArrayGrid< double > *pGrid, std::string fname, outputType outtype=NORMAL_OUT) | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | static |
WriteOpenCV(ArrayGrid< int > *pGrid, std::string fname, outputType outtype=NORMAL_OUT) | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | static |
WriteOpenCV(ArrayGrid< bool > *pGrid, std::string fname) | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | static |
WritePGM(ArrayGrid< std::complex< double > > *pGrid, std::string fileName, outputType outtype=NULL_OUT) | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | static |
WritePGM(ArrayGrid< double > *pGrid, std::string fileName, outputType outtype=NULL_OUT) | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | static |
WritePGM(ArrayGrid< int > *pGrid, std::string fileName, outputType outtype=NULL_OUT) | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | static |
WritePGM(ArrayGrid< bool > *pGrid, std::string fileName) | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | static |
WriteTXT(ArrayGrid< double > *pGrid, std::string fileName) | stira::imagetools::ImageIO | static |
~ImageIO() | stira::imagetools::ImageIO |