STIRA main functionalities
- Image import and export, internal for ppm/pgm, other formats through openCV
- Image histogram, normalized histogram, cumulative histogram
- Image color space transformations: RGB (sRGB, Adobe RGB), HSV, HSI, Lab, Luv, XYZ
- Image transforms: several wavelets, steerable pyramid, Fourier (using FFTW and KISS FFT)
- Image convolution using FFT (by FFTW lib)
- Deconvolution: Wiener, Richardson-Lucy combined with several regularization schemes
- Noise filtering: wavelet shrinkage, non-local means
- Contrast enhancement: histogram equalization, Multiscale Retinex
- Analysis: Canny edge detector, Steger line detector, watershed, Hough transform, Histogram of Oriented Gradients, Distance transform, Thinning
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